Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 9/26/16; 3/30/23


十大彩票平台 welcomes volunteer support to accomplish its missions of 教育和公共服务. 志愿者提供的服务、建议和见解 都是宝贵的资源. 学院将尽一切努力提供志愿者 有意义、有价值的经历. 


This policy is designed to reduce volunteer risk and protect the interests of the 大学,它的志愿者和它所服务的社区. 它解决了各种问题 regarding the engagement of volunteers for services to the College, defines the volunteer relationship, its privileges and responsibilities, and clarifies the College’s liability 使用志愿者的服务. 任何单位、办公室或部门从事 代表学院的志愿者受此政策的保护. 


“Volunteers” are uncompensated individuals who perform services directly related to the business of the College for their benefit, to support humanitarian, charitable or public service activities of the College volunteer, or to gain experience in specific 努力. 要符合大学志愿者的资格,个人必须愿意提供 按照本政策规定的程序提供服务.  学生实习生,包括 包括学生实习.  志愿者是机构的代理人.



Voluntary service, while uncompensated, establishes the volunteer as an agent of the 在履行指定职责的同时建立机构. 因此,志愿者被期望 abide by College policies, procedures and external regulations (Board of Regents policies) that govern their actions, including, but not limited to, those of ethical behavior, 保密、安全、性骚扰、行为、酗酒和吸毒. 


Anyone eighteen (18) years of age or older, including retirees, students, alumni, 或其他社区成员可以为学院提供志愿服务. 现有员工 may serve as volunteers with special permission of the President after consideration of the employees current work schedule, approval of the employee’s supervisor and 结论是工作和志愿者的时间安排不存在冲突. 员工不能 自愿做与他们受雇的工作相同(类似或相同)的工作. 员工 who serve as a volunteer must complete the Volunteer Agreement form for 员工. 


The unit, office, or department is responsible for ensuring that the volunteer selected and engaged has the adequate experience, qualifications, and training for the task 他或她将被要求表演. 标识的单位、办公室或部门 a need or receives a request for volunteer services should take appropriate measures 确保所有的学院志愿者程序被遵循.

    1. The department manager must notify the College’s 人力资源总监 of the request of volunteer services by completing the Request for Volunteer Services or 申请表.
    2. A description of the 志愿者的职责 and services must be completed and submitted 附上志愿服务申请表.
    3. The 人力资源总监 will review the request and notify the department 经理对请求的初始授权或拒绝.
    4. Upon authorization, the Office of Human Resources will meet with the individual to 完成必要的文书工作:

义工协议: signed by the volunteer and office or department where volunteer will be working; Personal Data; Emergency Contacts; and Authorization to perform a criminal background 检查和/或信用检查. 人力资源办公室会调查犯罪背景 使用USG认可的供应商进行检查.  聘用志愿者的办公室或部门 将承担与未成年人一起工作的志愿者的背景调查费用.

Upon receipt of clear background results, the Office of Human Resources will notify the department manager of the final authorization to allow the volunteer to begin 志愿者活动. 如果背景结果反映了犯罪记录或信用记录 concerns, the Background Investigation Committee-就业 will review the results to determine if 志愿者的职责 can be granted or continued using the Board of Regents 雇员的资格标准和通知要求. 人力资源总监 Resources will serve as contact between the committees and the prospective volunteer.  背景调查的有效期为一年/6个月.

现有员工 who serve as a volunteer must receive prior written approval from their supervisor to perform any volunteer work during the employee’s normal working 工作时间,并提交年假.


Generally, a College volunteer is required to complete a Volunteer Agreement form 在此之前,他或她可以为机构从事志愿者活动. 然而, 对于某些一次性低风险活动,不需要协议. 活动 不需要自愿协议的;

      • 毕业典礼
      • 基金会会议、事件或活动;
      • Public speakers or performers at the College; and
      • 电话一松志愿者和其他筹款活动.

To determine if a specific low risk volunteer activity is exempt, please contact the 人力资源总监. 


A background investigation is required prior to any volunteer beginning his or her 在书院服务. 


Volunteer services are generally limited to humanitarian, charitable or public services. Accordingly, College volunteers are prohibited from performing any of the following 活动:

    • 操作重型设备,包括政府拥有的车辆;
    • 操作任何动力驱动圆锯、带锯;
    • Entering in to any contract on behalf of the College; and
    • 任何被认为不适合大学员工的活动. 


志愿工作可能会有一定的风险. 学院是通过自我保险 Georgia Department of Administrative Services Risk Management against state tort claims. This coverage is extended to College volunteers who are part of a structured program organized, controlled and directed by a College Department for the purpose of carrying 超出了机构的职能. 责任范围是针对伤害和/或 property damage volunteers may cause others while acting in the course of their official 志愿者的职责. 责任保险不适用当志愿者偏离 他们志愿工作的过程. 


College volunteers are not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act and are not considered 为任何目的的机构雇员. 因此,志愿者没有资格 to employee benefits, and the College does not provide volunteers with accident or 医疗保险. 此外,志愿者不受工人赔偿法的保护 与他们的志愿关系有关. 如果志愿工作需要利用 of a volunteer’s personal vehicle, the College does not provide comprehensive or collision 志愿者车辆的保险. 


Payment, promise of payment, promise of future employment, or special consideration 因为志愿服务是不允许的. 但是,单位、办公室或部门可以 reimburse pre-approved actual and reasonable expenses arising from the performance 按照标准的学院报销程序完成分配的任务. 这样的预先批准 shall be documented in writing between the volunteer and the unit, office or department head prior to the occurrence of the activity for which expense reimbursement is desired.


Pursuant to the 佐治亚大学系统 policy, volunteers shall participate 在道德培训和环境事务/知情权培训. 


A College volunteer’s service may be terminated at any time, at the sole and exclusive 由学院自行决定,恕不另行通知. 同样,志愿者也可以给予 随时准备离开的通知. 


The Human Resources Department will retain all completed Volunteer Agreement Forms for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of the volunteer’s last 服务日. 


If the individual is a returning volunteer, but the break in service is greater than twelve (12) months, all applicable processes described above must be completed again. 


 如果一个人是目前的志愿者,但他或她的职责已经改变,所有 上述适用的表格和程序必须重新填写. 


卡罗威丹尼尔, 总人力资源主任, 478-289-2035, dcallowayFREEOMNIUPDATE