采用 by Aca黛米c 政策 and Curriculum Committee: 6/29/20
采用 by Faculty 参议院:6/29/20 
批准d by 总统:6/30/20 


NACADA publishes advising tips for special-interest groups including student athletes. NACADA has an Advising Student Athletes Commission to share ideas and best practices 为学生运动员提供建议. Since 十大彩票平台 (EGSC) student athletes 一年级和二年级的学生是 15 Tips on the Basics of Advising Student Athletes may be of value to all advisors of student athletes. 

The 运动员学术指导计划 is a component of the East Georgia State 学院学术指导计划. 

At 十大彩票平台 (EGSC) student athletes will be assigned to and advised by the Assistant Director of the Learning Commons for the 军事 Resource Center 和运动指导. All students, including student athletes, will follow the general policies and procedures for aca黛米c advisement at EGSC. 

The success of athlete aca黛米c advising is critical for the aca黛米c integrity of 校园体育项目. The Assistant Director of the Learning Commons for 军事 Resource Center 和运动指导 is the front line for preserving the integrity of the advising process and reports to the Director of the Learning Commons. 

The Assistant Director of the Learning Commons for 军事 Resource Center and Athletic Advisement must maintain a focus on maximizing the aca黛米c accomplishments of athletes, given their athletic commitments, rather than on maintaining their athletic eligibility. 

Eligibility standards are usually different than those aca黛米c standards set by EGSC 为学生的学业成功. The student athlete aca黛米c advisor must be 熟悉资格标准. 资格标准可以找到 在NJCAA网站上 http://www.njcaa.org/eligibility/2020-21/index. Certification of eligibility will be made by the Athletic Director in conjunction with the Assistant Director of the Learning Commons for 军事 Resource Center and 体育深思熟虑. The aca黛米c advisement process must be structured in ways that will focus on motivating athletes to use their aca黛米c opportunities to maximize personal growth, intellectual skills, and career success. 

The athletic 学术指导计划 should strive for aca黛米c integrity, a core mission of all aca黛米c support services; integration of the student athlete into the student body, culture, and community; scrutiny of the athletic advising process to assure the interests of the student athlete are followed; effective transition of the student athlete to the college environment; accountability for the quality and impact of the athletic advising based on regular assessment of the program; and consistency of the athletic advising program in comparison to the colleges' overall 学术指导计划. 

Guidelines for the Advisement of Student Athletes

    1. The Assistant Director of the Learning Commons, 军事 Resource Center and Athletic Advisement reports directly to the Director of the Learning Commons. 
    2. Advising is an aca黛米c function, and it is part of the Division of Aca黛米c Affairs. The Division of Aca黛米c Affairs office must be accountable for the quality and integrity 建议提供给所有的学生. 
    3. Aca黛米c Affairs should be responsible for and involved with personnel decisions, supervise policies and procedures for aca黛米c advising of athletes, and have authority in budget decisions concerning aca黛米c advising. 
    4. Aca黛米c Advising should operate with the strong support of the Athletic Director, in order to combat potential pressures to consider eligibility before aca黛米c accomplishment, and to motivate athletes to make the most of aca黛米c opportunities. 的运动 Director and all head coaches will meet periodically with the Assistant Director of the Learning Commons, 军事 Resource Center 和运动指导, and the Director of the Learning Commons as needed to discuss and evaluate athletic aca黛米c advising. 
    5. The influence of coaches over aca黛米c advising should be strictly limited and the Assistant Director of the Learning Commons, 军事 Resource Center and Athletic Advisement should have the primary responsibility in the athlete's selection of an 具体课程的学术计划. 
    6. The advising structure that will best ensure support of the college's aca黛米c mission and best guard against efforts to focus on eligibility over accomplishment will represent 每个校园的最佳实践. In all cases, ultimate accountability for the integrity of aca黛米c advising must lie with the VPASA. 
    7. The Assistant Director of the Learning Commons, 军事 Resource Center and Athletic Advisement needs to know progress-toward-degree requirements for the student athletes. While no priority in class choices is given, the advisor should be made aware of scheduling 与练习和游戏冲突.